AIRC Certified Accreditation
AIRC Certified Accreditation

As India’s leading overseas education consultants, we at Global Opportunities take immense pride in being AIRC certified. It was a long and arduous process to get AIRC accredited and certificated but with our trained counseling staff and strong work ethic we were able to achieve this feat. Our pan-India presence, truly global outlook, dedicated research team, advance customer relationship management software, personalized career support to our students, human capital investment, state of art facilities and high student satisfaction have been major contributors in our success story for bagging this prestigious certification. We matched the stringent AIRC checks with total conviction and hope that this is one of the feathers amongst the many more to adorn our hat.
Founded in the year 2008, the American International Recruitment Council is a non-profit membership association recognized by the US Department of Justice and the Federal Trade Commission as a Standards Development Organization.AIRC Certification is intended for agencies (including organizations and companies), located both inside and outside of the US, which recruit international students to colleges, universities and other post secondary educational institutions globally, which are accredited by institutional accreditors recognized by the US Department of Education. AIRC’s members work together to establish quality standards for international student placement in the United States.It began as an initiative by senior US education leaders to protect the interests of both international students and enrolling institutions through the promotion of ethical, standards-based international recruitment strategies. Its sole focus on issues concerning the international student recruitment makes it the only professional education membership association. It is the only provider of independent certification of recruitment agencies based on a rigorous accreditation model.All AIRC’s certified agencies are independently reviewed and benchmarked against a set of rigorous global standards that attest to operational best practices.
AIRC™ Certification attests to the quality determined upon an external review of a recruiting agency which meets the AIRC Certification Standards for a designated period of time of five years (first round), and ten years (thereafter). At the time of application for AIRC Certification, agencies are required to have been in the student recruitment business for two years and have a successful record of placing students in institutions of higher education. There are four stages of forty standards that need to be followed to become AIRC certified. The first standard adheres to organizational effectiveness which includes mission and purpose, governance and ownership, effective management, scope and operation and financial integrity. The second standard focuses on the reliability of the recruitment process – knowledge of US education system, advertising and marketing, respect for intellectual property, accountability, conflicts of interest, transparency and integrity of services rendered. Student and family engagement pre and post enrollment and institutional engagement pre and post recruitment are the cornerstones of standard three and four respectively. The last standard is complaints process where AIRC checks that the agency has an internal mechanism for processing complaints and making necessary changes in the nature of recruiting services as needed.
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