IELTS Structure to Study Abroad

The UK is among one of the most eminent study abroad destinations for students as well as working experts from everywhere throughout the world to study and sculpt out a vocation. However, before anybody gets their study visa or work visa endorsed, they should go for the International English Language Testing System (IELTS) and meet the prerequisites to have the option to get to scholarly or proficient open doors to study in the UK.
But, for this, we need to know the different types of IELTS. There are only two types of IELTS tests.
- The IELTS Academic Test
- The IELTS General Training Test
Both of these tests have a lot of similarities but they also have certain differences.
The IELTS Academic test is for people who are planning to study in a university or for higher education in an institute in the English medium at the undergraduate and the postgraduate level. Whereas the IELTS General Training Test is for people who are looking to migrate to countries such as the UK and Australia and also for education and job opportunities. The general IELTS test helps to measure the English language of the applicant in the day-to-day context such as the workplace and social interactions.
Structure of IELTS
There are mainly four modules of the IELTS test
- Speaking Section
In this test, the applicants will be talking with an ensured IELTS Examiner where they will talk about a topic given to them through short and long inquiries. There is no distinction in the speaking module of the General and Academic test.
- Listening Section
The listening section is again similar for both the General and the Academic IELTS test. The applicant here listens to a set of recordings in the English language and then answers a few questions.
- Writing Section
There are two tasks in both the Academic and General IELTS test. However, there is a difference between both of these tests in the writing module.
Writing for the Academic Test
Task 1: This involves writing about the facts and figures that have pictorial representation in the form of charts, tables, and graphs.
Task 2: In this task, the student has to write an essay on any topic related to academics. The essay should be well organized and to be supported by different examples.
Writing for the General Training Test
Task 1: Write a letter providing a response to a particular situation.
Task 2: This involves discussion on an essay stating your viewpoints.
- Reading Section
This test is intended to assess an applicant’s scope of reading and understanding abilities. However, there is a difference between the Academic and the General Training IELTS test in the reading module.
Reading for the Academic Test
The Academic test, nonetheless, will be progressively centered on writings that are unmistakable, accurate, and originates from sources that incorporate books and diaries.
Reading for the General Training Test
The General Reading test will concentrate more on the course related to the working environment and general intrigue topics. This will incorporate concentrates from books, magazines, and papers, and commercials.
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Tag:IETLS, Study abroad