COURSES Search Reset Honour Bachelor of science in Accounting And FinanceView CourseHonour Bachelor of science in Accounting And Finance with placementView CourseBachelor of Science in Applied ChemistryView CourseBachelor of Science in Applied Chemistry with placementView CourseBachelor of Science in Biochemistry with placementView CourseMaster of engineering in Integrated Biomedical EngineeringView CourseBachelor of engineering in Integrated Biomedical EngineeringView CourseBachelor of Science in Biomedical ScienceView CourseBachelor of Science in Biomedical Science with placementView CourseBachelor of Science in Business AnalyticsView CourseBachelor of Science in Business Analytics with placementView CourseBachelor of Science in Business and International RelationsView CourseBachelor of Science in Business and International Relations with placementView CourseBachelor of Science in Business and ManagementView CourseBachelor of Science in Business and Management with placementView CourseBachelor of Science in Business and Mathematics with placementView CourseBachelor of Science in Business and politicsView CourseBachelor of Science in Business and politics with placementView CourseBachelor of Science in Business and sociologyView CourseBachelor of Science in Business and sociology with placementView CourseBachelor of Science in Business and supply chain managementView CourseBachelor of Science in Business and supply chain management with placementView CourseBachelor of Science in Business computing and ITView CourseBachelor of Science in Business computing and IT with placementView CourseBachelor of Science in Business Enterprise DevelopmentView CourseBachelor of Science in Business Management And English LanguageView CourseBachelor of Science in Business Management And English Language with placementView CourseBachelor of Science in Business Management And Public policyView CourseBachelor of Science in Business Management And Public policy with placementView CourseBachelor of Engineering in Chemical EngineeringView CourseBachelor of Engineering in Chemical Engineering with placementView CourseBachelor of science in ChemistryView CourseBachelor of science in Chemistry with optional placementView CourseBachelor of Engineering in Civil Engineering with placementView CourseBachelor of science in Computer scienceView CourseBachelor of science in Computer science with optional placementView CourseBachelor of Engineer in Design EngineeringView CourseBachelor of Engineer in Design Engineering with optional placementView CourseHonour Bachelor of Science in International Business and Modern Languages SpanishView CourseHonour Bachelor of Science in International Business and Modern Languages Spanish with integrated placementView CourseHonour Bachelor of science in Logistics with Supply Chain ManagementView CourseHonour Bachelor of science in Logistics with Supply Chain Management with optional PlacementView CourseHonour Bachelor of Science in MarketingView CourseHonour Bachelor of Science in Marketing with placementView CourseHonour Bachelor of Science in Mathematics with Economics with placementView CourseHonour Bachelor of science in Politics and EconomicsView CourseHonour Bachelor of science in Politics and Economics with placementView CourseHonour Bachelor of science in Biological SciencesView CourseHonour Bachelor of science in Biological Sciences.View CourseHonour Bachelor of science in Biological Sciences with placementView CourseHonour Bachelor of science in Cybersecurity with PlacementView CourseHonour Bachelor of Science in Digital and Technology SolutionsView CourseHonour Bachelor of Science in Economics and ManagementView CourseHonour Bachelor of Science in Economics and Management with Placement YearView CourseHonour Bachelor of Science in EconomicsView CourseHonour Bachelor of Science in Economics with placementView CourseHonour Bachelor of science in English Language and LiteratureView CourseHonour Bachelor of science in English Language and Literature with placementView CourseHonour Bachelor of science in English LanguageView CourseHonour Bachelor of science in English Language with PlacementView CourseBachelor of science in English Literature and SociologyView CourseBachelor of science in English Literature and Sociology with placementView CourseBachelor of science in Computer Science with Business with placementView CourseHonour Bachelor of science in Construction Project ManagementView CourseHonour Bachelor of science in Construction Project Management with optional placementView CourseBachelor of engineering in Electrical and Electronic EngineeringView CourseBachelor of engineering in Electrical and Electronic Engineering with optional placementView CourseBachelor of engineering in Electronic Engineering and Computer ScienceView CourseBachelor of engineering in Electronic Engineering and Computer Science with optional placementView CourseHonour Bachelor of engineering in Embedded Electronic Systems Design and DevelopmentView CourseBachelor of science in finanaceView CourseBachelor of science in finanace with placement View CourseGraduate Diploma in OptometryView CourseHonour Healthcare Science Practitioner: AudiologyView CourseHonour Bachelor of science in History and English LiteratureView CourseHonour Bachelor of science in History and English Literature with placementView CourseHonour Bachelor of science in History and FrenchView CourseHonour Bachelor of science in History and French with placementView CourseHonour Bachelor of science in History and International RelationsView CourseHonour Bachelor of science in History and International Relations with placementView CourseHonour Bachelor of science in History and PoliticsView CourseHonour Bachelor of science in History and Politics with placementView CourseHonour Bachelor of science in History and SpanishView CourseHonour Bachelor of science in History and Spanish with placementView CourseHonour Bachelor of science in Human Resources and Business ManagementView CourseHonour Bachelor of science in Human Resources and Business Management with placementView CourseHonour Bachelor of science in International Business and EconomicsView CourseHonour Bachelor of science in International Business and Economics with placement View CourseHonour Bachelor of science in International Business and ManagementView CourseHonour Bachelor of science in International Business and Management with placementView CourseHonour Bachelor of science in International Business and Modern Languages FrenchView CourseHonour Bachelor of science in International Business and Modern Languages French with placementView CourseHonour Bachelor of science in International Business and Modern Languages Mandarin ChineseView CourseHonour Bachelor of science in International Business and Modern Languages Mandarin Chinese with placementView CourseInternational Commercial Law LLMView CourseHonour Bachelor of science in International Relations and FrenchView CourseHonour Bachelor of science in International Relations and French with placementView CourseHonour Bachelor of science in International Relations and Social PolicyView CourseHonour Bachelor of science in International Relations and Social Policy with placementView CourseHonour Bachelor of science in International Relations and SociologyView CourseHonour Bachelor of science in International Relations and Sociology with placementView CourseHonour Bachelor of science in International Relations and SpanishView CourseHonour Bachelor of science in International Relations and Spanish with integrated placement yearsView CourseHonour Law LLBView CourseHonour Law LLB with PlacementView CourseHonour Bachelor of science in MathematicsView CourseHonour Bachelor of science in Mathematics with optional placementView CourseBachelor of engineering in Mechanical EngineeringView CourseBachelor of engineering in Mechanical Engineering with optional placementView CourseBachelor of Medicine and surgery Medicine with placementView CourseBachelor of science in Neuroscience with integrated placementView CourseBachelor of science in Optometry BSc / MoptomView CourseBachelor of science in Politics and Social PolicyView CourseBachelor of science in Politics and Social Policy with placementView CourseBachelor of science in Politics and SociologyView CourseBachelor of science in Politics and Sociology wiith placementView CourseBachelor of science in Politics with International RelationsView CourseBachelor of science in Politics with International Relations with placementView CourseBachelor of science in Product Design and ManagementView CourseBachelor of science in Product Design and Management with placementView CourseBachelor of science in Product Design and TechnologyView CourseBachelor of science in Product Design and Technology with optional placement yearsView CourseHonour Bachelor of engineering in Professional Engineering (Control/Technical Support Engineer)View CourseHonour Bachelor of science in Psychology and Business with placementView CourseHonour Bachelor of science in Psychology and Marketing with placementView CourseHonour Bachelor of science in Psychology and Sociology with placementView CourseHonour Bachelor of science in PsychologyView CourseHonour Bachelor of science in Psychology with placementView CourseHonour Bachelor of science in Quantity Surveying with placementView CourseHonour Bachelor of engineering in Science Industry Process/Plant EngineerView CourseBachelor of science in Sociology and English LanguageView CourseBachelor of science in Sociology and English Language with placementView CourseBachelor of science in Sociology and Social Policy with placementView CourseBachelor of science in Sociology and Social PolicyView CourseBachelor of science in SociologyView CourseBachelor of science in Sociology with placementView CourseHonour Bachelor of science in Psychology and Marketing with placement yearView CourseHonour Bachelor of science in Psychology and Sociology with placement yearView CourseHonour Bachelor of science in Product Design and ManagementView CourseHonour Bachelor of science in Product Design and Management with optional placementView CourseMaster of Engineering in Chemical EngineerView CourseMaster of Engineering in Chemical Engineer with placementView CourseMaster of Science in Accounting and FinanceView CourseHonour Master of Science in Business and ManangementView CourseMaster of Science In business PsychologyView CourseMaster of Science in Crisis and Disaster managementView CourseMaster of Science in FinanceView CourseMaster of science in Human resource ManagementView CourseMaster of Science in International Accounting and FinanceView CourseMaster of Science in international BusinessView CourseMaster of Science in Investment AnalysisView CourseMaster of science in Leadership and AnalyticsView CourseMaster of science in Leadership and EntrepreneurshipView CourseMaster of Science in Marketing and AnalyticsView CourseMaster of Science in Marketing and EntrepreneurshipView CourseMaster of Science in Marketing and LeadershipView CourseMaster of Science in Marketing and StrategyView CourseMaster of Science in Research in the Social Sciences(Management)View CourseMaster of Science in Strategic Marketing ManagementView CourseMaster of Science in Strategy and EntrepreneurshipView CourseMaster of Science in Strategy and International BusinessView CourseMaster of Science in Strategy and LeadershipView CourseMaster of science in Work Psychology and BusinessView CourseMaster of science in Applied Artificial Intelligence (including Professional Practice) with placementView CourseMaster of science in Applied Artificial IntelligenceView CourseMaster of science in Artificial Intelligence (including Professional Practice) with placementView CourseMaster of Artificial IntelligenceView CourseMaster of Science in Artificial Intelligence with Business Strategy (including Professional Practice) with placementView CourseMaster of Science in Artificial Intelligence with Business StrategyView CourseMaster of science in business analyticsView CourseMaster of Science in Biosciences for IndustryView CourseMaster of Science in Business Enterprise DevelopmentView CourseMaster of Science in Cognitive and Affective NeuroscienceView CourseMaster of Science in Computer Science (including Professional Practice) with integrated placementView CourseMaster of Science in Design Enterprise and InnovationView CourseMaster of Science in Design Enterprise and Innovation with placementView CourseMaster of science in Digital and Technology Solutions SpecialistView CourseMaster of science in Drug deliveryView CourseMaster of science in Engineering ManagementView CourseMaster of science in Entrepreneurship and AnalyticsView CourseMaster of science in EntrepreneurshipView CourseMaster of science in Data Analytics (including Professional Practice) with placementView CourseMaster of engineering in Electrical and Electronic Engineering with placementView CourseHonour Master of engineering in Electronic Engineering and Computer Science with placementView CourseMaster of science in Data AnalyticsView CourseMaster of arts in Europe and the World DoubleView CourseMaster of arts in Forensic LinguisticsView CourseMaster of Science in computer ScienceView CourseMaster of science in Global Operations and Service ManagementView CourseMaster of arts in Governance and International Politics DoubleView CourseMaster of science in Health PsychologyView CourseMaster of science in Information Systems and Business AnalysisView CourseMaster of arts in International Relations and Global GovernanceView CourseMaster of Business AdministrationView CourseMaster of engineering in Mechanical EngineeringView CourseMaster of engineering in Mechanical Engineering with placementView CourseMaster of science in Mechanical Engineering with optional placementView CourseMaster of Arts in Multilevel Governance and International Relations Joint with placementView CourseMaster of science in Pharmaceutical SciencesView CourseMaster of science in PharmacokineticsView CourseHonour Master of pharmacyView CourseMaster of pharmacy with placementView CourseMaster of science in Photonic Integrated Circuits, Sensors and Networks (PIXNET)View CourseMaster of science in Postgraduate Diploma for Overseas Pharmacists (OSPAP).View CourseMaster of science in Postgraduate Diploma for Overseas Pharmacists (OSPAP)View CourseMaster of science in Regenerative Medicines ManufacturingView CourseMaster of science in Research in the Social Sciences (International Politics)View CourseMaster of science in Smart Telecom and Sensing Networks (SMARTNET) with placementView CourseMaster of science in Stem Cells and Regenerative MedicinesView CourseMaster of science in Supply Chain ManagementView CourseMaster of science in Sustainable Engineering (including Professional Practice) with placementView CourseMaster of science in Sustainable EngineeringView CourseMaster of arts in TESOL (Teaching English to Speakers of other Languages) and Translation StudiesView Course