COURSES Search Reset Honour Master of arts in AccountancyView CourseHonour Master of arts in Accountancy and Finance (Accelerated)View CourseHonour Bachelor of science in Actuarial ScienceView CourseHonour Bachelor of science in Actuarial Science and Diploma in Industrial TrainingView CourseHonour Master of arts in Applied Languages and Translating (French, German)View CourseHonour Master of arts in Applied Languages and Translating (French, Spanish)View CourseHonour Master of arts in Applied Languages and Translating (German, Spanish)View CourseMaster of Engineering in Architectural EngineeringView CourseHonour Bachelor of Engineering in Architectural EngineeringView CourseMaster of engineering in Associate Student in Chemical Engineering (partnership route with Forth Valley College)View CourseMaster of engineering in Associate Student in Electrical Engineering (partnership route with Forth Valley College)View CourseMaster of engineering in Associate Student in Mechanical Engineering (partnership route with Forth Valley College)View CourseHonour Bachelor of Business AdministrationView CourseHonour Bachelor of science in Biological SciencesView CourseHonour Bachelor of science in Biological Sciences (Cell and Molecular Biology)View CourseHonour Bachelor of science in Biological Sciences (Human Health)View CourseMaster of BiologyView CourseHonour Bachelor of science in Brewing and DistillingView CourseHonour Master of arts in British Sign Language (Interpreting, Translating and Applied Language Studies)View CourseHonour Master of arts in Business and FinanceView CourseHonour Bachelor of engineering in Chemical EngineeringView CourseMaster of engineering in Chemical EngineeringView CourseHonour Bachelor of science in ChemistryView CourseMaster of chemistryView CourseMaster of Chemistry with Industrial ExperienceView CourseMaster of Engineering in Civil EngineeringView CourseHonour Bachelor of engineering in Civil EngineeringView CourseHonour Bachelor of science in Combined StudiesView CourseHonour Bachelor of arts in Communication DesignView CourseHonour Bachelor of arts in Computer ScienceView CourseHonour Bachelor of science in Computer Science (Artificial Intelligence)View CourseHonour Bachelor of science in Computer Science (Cyber Security)View CourseHonour Bachelor of science in Computer Science (Data Science)View CourseHonour Bachelor of science in Computer Science (Data Science) and Diploma in Industrial TrainingView CourseHonour Bachelor of science in Computer Science (Games Programming)View CourseHonour Bachelor of science in Computer Science (Software Engineering)View CourseHonour Bachelor of science in Computer Science and Diploma in Industrial TrainingView CourseHonour Bachelor of science in Computer SystemsView CourseHonour Bachelor of science in Computer Systems (Games Programming)View CourseHonour Bachelor of science in Computer Systems and Diploma in Industrial TrainingView CourseHonour Bachelor of science in Construction Project ManagementView CourseHonour Bachelor of science in Data SciencesView CourseHonour Bachelor of arts in Design for Textiles (Fashion, Interior, Art)View CourseHonour Master of arts in EconomicsView CourseHonour Master of arts in Economics (Accelerated)View CourseHonour Master of arts in Economics and Business ManagementView CourseHonour Master of arts in Economics and FinanceView CourseHonour Bachelor of engineering in Electrical and Electronic EngineeringView CourseMaster of engineering in Electrical and Electronic EngineeringView CourseHonour Bachelor of engineering in EngineeringView CourseHonour Bachelor of arts in FashionView CourseHonour Bachelor of arts in Fashion Branding and PromotionView CourseHonour Bachelor of arts in Fashion CommunicationView CourseHonour Bachelor of arts in Fashion Marketing and RetailingView CourseHonour Bachelor of science in Fashion TechnologyView CourseHonour Master of arts in FinanceView CourseHonour Bachelor of science in Financial MathematicsView CourseHonour Master of arts in French and Applied Language StudiesView CourseHonour Bachelor of science in GeographyView CourseHonour Master of arts in Geography, Society and EnvironmentView CourseHonour Master of arts in German and Applied Language StudiesView CourseHonour Master of science in Information SystemsView CourseHonour Bachelor of science in Information Systems (Interaction Design)View CourseHonour Bachelor of science in Information Systems (Internet Systems)View CourseHonour Bachelor of science in Information Systems (Management)View CourseHonour Bachelor of science in Information Systems and Diploma in Industrial TrainingView CourseHonour Bachelor of arts in Interior DesignView CourseHonour Master of arts in International Business ManagementView CourseHonour Master of arts in International Business Management (Accelerated)View CourseHonour Master of arts in International Business Management and Languages Chinese as Main LanguageView CourseHonour Master of arts in International Business Management and Languages French as Main LanguageView CourseHonour Master of arts in International Business Management and Languages German as Main LanguageView CourseHonour Master of arts in International Business Management and Languages Spanish as Main LanguageView CourseHonour Master of arts in International Business Management with Year AbroadView CourseHonour Master of arts in Languages (Interpreting and Translating) (French/British Sign Language)View CourseHonour Master of arts in Languages (Interpreting and Translating) (French/German)View CourseHonour Master of arts in Languages (Interpreting and Translating) (French/Spanish)View CourseHonour Master of arts in Languages (Interpreting and Translating) (German/British Sign Language)View CourseHonour Master of arts in Languages (Interpreting and Translating) (German/Spanish)View CourseHonour Master of arts in Languages (Interpreting and Translating) (Spanish/British Sign Language)View CourseHonour Bachelor of science in Marine BiologyView CourseHonour Master of arts in MarketingView CourseHonour Master of arts in Marketing (Accelerated)View CourseHonour Bachelor of science in Mathematical, Statistical and Actuarial SciencesView CourseHonour Bachelor of science in Mathematical, Statistical and Actuarial Sciences and Diploma in Industrial TrainingView CourseHonour Bachelor of science in MathematicsView CourseMaster of MathematicsView CourseHonour Bachelor of science in Mathematics with Computer ScienceView CourseHonour Bachelor of science in Mathematics with FinanceView CourseHonour Bachelor of science in Mathematics with Finance and Diploma in Industrial TrainingView CourseHonour Bachelor of science in Mathematics with FrenchView CourseHonour Bachelor of science in Mathematics with GermanView CourseHonour Bachelor of science in Mathematics with PhysicsView CourseHonour Bachelor of science in Mathematics with SpanishView CourseHonour Bachelor of science in Mathematics with StatisticsView CourseHonour Bachelor of engineering in Mechanical EngineeringView CourseMaster of engineering in Mechanical EngineeringView CourseHonour Bachelor of science in PhysicsView CourseMaster of PhysicsView CourseHonour Bachelor of science in PsychologyView CourseHonour Bachelor of science in Psychology with ManagementView CourseHonour Bachelor of science in Quantity SurveyingView CourseHonour Bachelor of engineering in Robotics, Autonomous and Interactive SystemsView CourseMaster of engineering in Robotics, Autonomous and Interactive SystemsView CourseMaster of engineering in Software EngineeringView CourseHonour Master of arts in Spanish and Applied Language StudiesView CourseHonour Bachelor of science in Statistical Data ScienceView CourseMaster of engineering in Structural EngineeringView CourseHonour Bachelor of Engineering in Structural EngineeringView CourseHonour Bachelor of science in Urban Planning and Property DevelopmentView CourseMaster of science in AccountingView CourseMaster of science in Actuarial ManagementView CourseMaster of science in Actuarial Management with Data ScienceView CourseMaster of science in Actuarial ScienceView CourseMaster of science in Actuarial Science and ManagementView CourseMaster of science in Advanced Mechanical EngineeringView CourseMaster of science in Advanced Mechanical Engineering with Industrial ApplicationView CourseMaster of science in Advanced Structural EngineeringView CourseMaster of science in Applied Data ScienceView CourseMaster of science in Applied Mathematical SciencesView CourseMaster of science in Applied Mathematical Sciences.View CourseMaster of science in Applied Mathematical Sciences with Climate Change ModellingView CourseMaster of science in Applied Petroleum GeoscienceView CourseMaster of science in Artificial IntelligenceView CoursePost graduate Diploma in Artificial IntelligenceView CourseMaster of science in Artificial Intelligence.View CourseMaster of science in Artificial Intelligence with Speech and Multimodal InteractionView CoursePost Graduate Diploma in Artificial Intelligence with Speech and Multimodal InteractionView CourseMaster of science in Brewing and DistillingView CourseMaster of science in Brewing and Distilling with EntrepreneurshipView CourseMaster of science in Business Analytics and ConsultancyView CourseMaster of science in Business Information ManagementView CoursePost Graduate Diploma in Business Information ManagementView CourseMaster of science in Business PsychologyView CourseMaster of science in Business Psychology with Human Resource ManagementView CourseMaster of science in Business Psychology with Intercultural CommunicationView CourseMaster of science in Business Strategy, Leadership and ChangeView CoursePost Graduate in Business Strategy, Leadership and ChangeView CourseMaster of science in Chinese - English Interpreting and TranslatingView CourseMaster of science in Chinese - English TranslatingView CourseMaster of science in Civil Engineering and Construction ManagementView CourseMaster of science in Civil Engineering with Industry PlacementView CourseMaster of science in Climate Change Managing the Marine EnvironmentView CourseMaster of science in Commercial Management and Quantity SurveyingView CourseMaster of science in Commercial Management and Quantity Surveying with Industry PlacementView CourseMaster of science in Computational MathematicsView CoursePost Graduate Diploma in Computational MathematicsView CourseMaster of science in Computer Systems ManagementView CoursePost Graduate Diploma in Computer Systems ManagementView CourseMaster of science in ComputingView CourseMaster of science in Construction Project ManagementView CoursePost Graduate Diploma in Construction Project ManagementView CourseMaster of science in Construction Project Management with Industry PlacementView CourseMaster of science in Cultural Heritage Management with TourismView CourseMaster of science in Cyber SecurityView CoursePost Graduate Diploma in Cyber SecurityView CourseMaster of science in Data ScienceView CoursePost Graduate Diploma in Data ScienceView CourseMaster of science in Data Science.View CourseMaster of science in Design ManagementView CourseMaster of arts in Digital Design and InnovationView CourseMaster of science in Digital MarketingView CourseMaster of science in Economics, Banking and FinanceView CoursePost Graduate Diploma in Economics, Banking and FinanceView CourseMaster of science in EnergyView CourseMaster of science in Energy.View CourseMaster of science in Energy and EconomicsView CourseMaster of arts in Fashion and Textiles DesignView CourseMaster of science in Fashion and Textiles ManagementView CourseMaster of science in FinanceView CourseMaster of science in Finance and ManagementView CourseMaster of science in Financial MathematicsView CourseMaster of Design in Games Design and DevelopmentView CoursePost Graduate Diploma in Graduate Certificate in the Mathematical SciencesView CoursePost Graduate Certificate in Graduate Certificate in the Mathematical SciencesView CourseMaster of science in Human Robot InteractionView CourseMaster of science in Human Robot Interaction.View CourseMaster of science in Information Technology (Business)View CoursePost graduate Diploma in Information Technology (Business)View CourseMaster of science in Information Technology (Software Systems)View CoursePost Graduate Diploma in Information Technology (Software Systems)View CourseMaster of arts in Interior Architecture and DesignView CourseMaster of science in International Accounting and FinanceView Coursemaster of science in International Banking and FinanceView CourseMaster of science in International Business ManagementView CourseMaster of science in International Business Management with FinanceView CourseMaster of science in International Business Management with HRMView CourseMaster of science in International Business Management with Industry PlacementView CourseMaster of science in International Business Management with LogisticsView CourseMaster of science in International Business Management with MarketingView CourseMaster of science in International Business Management with Performance ManagementView CourseMaster of science in International Business Management with Project ManagementView CourseMaster of science in International Business Management with SustainabilityView CourseMaster of science in International Business Management with TourismView CourseMaster of science in International Fashion MarketingView CourseMaster of science in International Finance and Corporate AccountabilityView CourseMaster of science in International Finance and Economic DevelopmentView CoursePost Graduate Diploma in International Finance and Economic DevelopmentView CourseMaster of science in International Management and Business CommunicationView CoursePost Graduate Diploma in International Management and Business CommunicationView CourseMaster of science in International Management and Business Communication with Human Resource ManagementView CourseMaster of science in International Management and Business Communication with MarketingView CourseMaster of science in International Marine ScienceView CourseMaster of science in International MarketingView CoursePost graduate Diploma in International MarketingView CourseMaster of science in International Marketing with Consumer PsychologyView CourseMaster of science in International Master in Industrial ManagementView CourseMaster of science in InterpretingView CourseMaster of science in Interpreting and TranslatingView CoursePost Graduate Diploma in Interpreting and TranslatingView CourseMaster of science in Investment ManagementView CourseMaster of science in Logistics and Supply Chain ManagementView CoursePost Graduate Diploma in Logistics and Supply Chain ManagementView CourseMaster of science in Marine Biodiversity and BiotechnologyView CourseMaster of science in Marine Renewable EnergyView CourseMaster of science in Mathematical Biology, Ecology and MedicineView CourseMaster of science in MathematicalView CourseMaster of science in Mature Field ManagementView CourseMaster of science in Network SecurityView CoursePost Graduate Diploma in Network SecurityView CourseMaster of science in Operations ManagementView CoursePost Graduate Diploma in Operations ManagementView CourseMaster of science in Petroleum EngineeringView CourseMaster of science in Quantitative Finance and MathematicsView CourseMaster of science in Real EstateView CourseMaster of science in Renewable Energy DevelopmentView CourseMaster of science in Renewable Energy EngineeringView CourseMaster of science in Reservoir Evaluation and ManagementView CourseMaster of science in RoboticsView CourseMaster of science in Smart Systems Integration (Erasmus Mundus)View CourseMaster of science in Software EngineeringView CourseMaster of science in Spatial Planning and Real Estate DevelopmentView CourseMaster of science in Strategic Project ManagementView CoursePost Graduate Diploma in Strategic Project ManagementView CourseMaster of science in Subsurface Energy SystemsView CourseMaster of science in Sustainable HRMView CourseMaster of science in TranslatingView CoursePost Graduate Diploma in TranslatingView CourseMaster of science in Translating for BusinessView CoursePost Graduate Diploma in Translating for BusinessView CourseMaster of science in Translating for Business with EntrepreneurshipView CourseMaster of science in Translating with EntrepreneurshipView CourseMaster of science in Advanced Computer ScienceView Course