COURSES Search Reset Bachelor of science in AccountingView CourseBachelor of science in Accounting with FrenchView CourseBachelor of science in Accounting with Hispanic StudiesView CourseBachelor of science in Actuarial Science and Risk ManagementView CourseBachelor of science in Actuarial Science and Risk Management with placement yearView CourseBachelor of engineering in Aerospace EngineeringView CourseMaster of engineering in Aerospace EngineeringView CourseBachelor of engineering in Aerospace Engineering SandwichView CourseMaster of engineering in Aerospace Engineering SandwichView CourseBachelor of science in Agricultural TechnologyView CourseBachelor of science in Agricultural Technology With professional StudiesView CourseBachelor of arts in AnthropologyView CourseBachelor of arts in Anthropology and EnglishView CourseBachelor of arts in Anthropology and FrenchView CourseBachelor of arts in Anthropology and HistroyView CourseBachelor of arts in Anthropology and International RelationsView CourseBachelor of arts in Anthropology and IrishView CourseBachelor of arts in Anthropology and PhilosophyView CourseBachelor of arts in Anthropology and PoliticsView CourseBachelor of arts in Anthropology and SpanishView CourseBachelor of science in Applied Mathematics and PhysicsView CourseMaster of science in Applied Mathematics and PhysicsView CourseMaster of science in Applied Mathematics and Physics With placement yearView CourseBachelor of arts in ArchaeologyView CourseMaster of science in ArchaeologyView CourseBachelor of arts in Archaeology and HistoryView CourseBachelor of arts in Archaeology and IrishView CourseBachelor of arts in Archaeology with FrenchView CourseBachelor of arts in Archaeology with PortugueseView CourseBachelor of arts in Archaeology with SpanishView CourseBachelor of science in Archaeology PalaeoecologyView CourseBachelor of science in Archaeology Palaeoecology and GeographyView CourseBachelor of science in ArchitectureView CourseBachelor of science in Audio EngineeringView CourseBachelor of science in BiochemistryView CourseMaster of science in BiochemistryView CourseBachelor of science in Biochemistry with Professional studiesView CourseMaster of science in Biochemistry with Professional StudiesView CourseFoundation Degree of science in Biological SciencesView CourseBachelor of science in Biological SciencesView CourseMaster of science in Biological SciencesView CourseBachelor of science in Biological Sciences With Professional StudiesView CourseMaster of science in Biological Sciences With Professional StudiesView CourseBachelor of science in Biomedical ScienceView CourseBachelor of arts in Broadcast ProductionView CourseBachelor of science in Business EconomicsView CourseBachelor of science in Business Information Technology Incl Professional ExperienceView CourseBachelor of science in Business Management with PlacementView CourseBachelor of engineering in Chemical EngineeringView CourseMaster of engineering in Chemical EngineeringView CourseBachelor of engineering in Chemical Engineering SandwichView CourseMaster of engineering in Chemical Engineering SandwichView CourseFoundation Degree of science in Chemical SciencesView CourseBachelor of science in ChemistryView CourseMaster of science in ChemistryView CourseBachelor of science in Chemistry SandwichView CourseMaster of science in Chemistry With a Year in IndustryView CourseMaster of science in Chemistry With Study AbroadView CourseBachelor of engineering in Civil EngineeringView CourseMaster of engineering in Civil EngineeringView CourseBachelor of engineering in Civil Engineering SandwichView CourseMaster of engineering in Civil Engineering SandwichView CourseLLB in Common and Civil Law with FrenchView CourseLLB in Common and Civil Law with Hispanic StudiesView CourseMaster of engineering in Computer ScienceView CourseMaster of engineering in Computer Science Incl Professional ExperienceView CourseBachelor of science in Computer Science Professional ExperienceView CourseBachelor of science in Computing and Information Technology Incl Professional ExperienceView CourseBachelor of arts in CriminologyView CourseBachelor of arts in Criminology and Social PolicyView CourseBachelor of arts in Criminology and SociologyView CourseBachelor of Dental Science in DentistryView CourseBachelor of arts in DramaView CourseBachelor of arts in Drama and EnglishView CourseBachelor of science in EconomicsView CourseBachelor of science in Economics (Major) with FinanceView CourseBachelor of science in Economics (Major) with FrenchView CourseBachelor of science in Economics (Major) with SpanishView CourseBachelor of science in Economics and AccountingView CourseBachelor of engineering in Electrical and Electronic EngineeringView CourseMaster of engineering in Electrical and Electronic EngineeringView CourseBachelor of engineering in Electrical and Electronic Engineering sandwichView CourseMaster of engineering in Electrical and Electronic Engineering SandwichView CourseFoundation Degree of science in Energy, Environment and SustainabilityView CourseBachelor of arts in EnglishView CourseBachelor of arts in English and Film StudiesView CourseBachelor of arts in English and FrenchView CourseBachelor of arts in English and HistroyView CourseBachelor of arts in English and IrishView CourseBachelor of arts in English and LinguisticsView CourseBachelor of arts in English and PhilosophyView CourseBachelor of arts in English and PoliticsView CourseBachelor of arts in English and SociologyView CourseBachelor of arts in English and SpanishView CourseBachelor of arts in English with Creative WritingView CourseMaster of engineering in Environmental and Civil EngineeringView CourseMaster of engineering in Environmental and Civil Engineering SandwichView CourseBachelor of science in Environmental ManagementView CourseBachelor of science in Environmental Management with Professional StudiesView CourseMaster of Planning in European PlanningView CourseBachelor of arts in Film and Theatre MakingView CourseBachelor of arts in Film and ProductionView CourseBachelor of science in Finance with a Year in IndustryView CourseBachelor of science in Food Quality, Safety and NutritionView CourseMaster of science in Food Quality, Safety and NutritionView CourseBachelor of science in Food Quality, Safety and Nutrition With Professional StudiesView CourseMaster of science in Food Quality, Safety and Nutrition With Professional StudiesView CourseBachelor of arts in FrenchView CourseBachelor of arts in French and HistoryView CourseBachelor of arts in French and IrishView CourseBachelor of arts in French and PoliticsView CourseBachelor of arts in French and PortugueseView CourseBachelor of arts in French and SpanishView CourseBachelor of science in GeographyView CourseBachelor of science in Geography with a LanguageView CourseBachelor of arts in HistoryView CourseBachelor of arts in History and International RelationsView CourseBachelor of arts in History and PhilosophyView CourseBachelor of arts in History and PoliticsView CourseBachelor of arts in History and SociologyView CourseBachelor of arts in History and SpanishView CourseBachelor of science in Human BiologyView CourseBachelor of science in International Business with FrenchView CourseBachelor of science in International Business with GermanView CourseBachelor of science in International Business with MandarinView CourseBachelor of science in International Business with PortugueseView CourseBachelor of science in International Business with SpanishView CourseBachelor of arts in International Relations and Conflict StudiesView CourseBachelor of arts in International Relations and IrishView CourseBachelor of arts in International Relations and PoliticsView CourseBachelor of arts in International Relations and SpanishView CourseBachelor of arts in IrishView CourseBachelor of arts in Irish and HistoryView CourseBachelor of arts in Irish and PoliticsView CourseBachelor of arts in Irish and SpanishView CourseLLB in LawView CourseLLB in Law and PoliticsView CourseLLB in Law Senior StatusView CourseBachelor of science in Marine BiologyView CourseMaster of science in Marine BiologyView CourseBachelor of science in Marine Biology with Professional studiesView CourseMaster of science in Marine Biology With professional studiesView CourseBachelor of science in MathematicsView CourseMaster of science in MathematicsView CourseBachelor of science in Mathematics and Computer ScienceView CourseMaster of science in Mathematics and Computer ScienceView CourseBachelor of science in Mathematics Statistics, & Op-ResearchView CourseMaster of science in Mathematics Statistics, & Op-ResearchView CourseBachelor of science in Mathematics with FinanceView CourseBachelor of science in Mathematics with FrenchView CourseBachelor of science in Mathematics with SpanishView CourseFoundation Degree in Mechanical EngineeringView CourseBachelor of engineering in Mechanical EngineeringView CourseMaster of engineering in Mechanical EngineeringView CourseBachelor of engineering in Mechanical Engineering SandwichView CourseMaster of engineering in Mechanical Engineering SandwichView CourseBachelor of science in Medicinal ChemistryView CourseMaster of science in Medicinal ChemistryView CourseBachelor of science in Medicinal Chemistry SandwichView CourseMaster of science in Medicinal Chemistry SandwichView CourseBachelor of MedicineView CourseBachelor of science in MicrobiologyView CourseMaster of science in MicrobiologyView CourseBachelor of science in Microbiology With Professional StuidesView CourseMaster of science in Microbiology With Professional StuidesView CourseBachelor of science in Midwifery SciencesView CourseMaster of Liberal ArtsView CourseBachelor of MusicView CourseBachelor of arts in Music Audio and ProductionView CourseBachelor of arts in Music Sound and DesignView CourseBachelor of arts in Music PerformanceView CourseBachelor of science in Pharmaceutical BiotechnologyView CourseBachelor of science in Pharmaceutical Biotechnology(Sandwich)View CourseBachelor of science in Pharmaceutical SciencesView CourseBachelor of science in Pharmaceutical Sciences(Sandwich)View CourseMaster of PharmacyView CourseBachelor of arts in PhilosophyView CourseBachelor of arts in Philosophy and PoliticsView CourseBachelor of science in PhysicsView CourseMaster of science in PhysicsView CourseBachelor of science in Physics with Astro-PhysicsView CourseBachelor of science in Physics with Astro-Physics With Professional StudiesView CourseMaster of science in Physics with Astro-PhysicsView CourseMaster of science in Physics with Astro-Physics With Professional placementView CourseBachelor of science in Physics with FrenchView CourseBachelor of science in Physics with French With Professional StudiesView CourseMaster of science in Physics with FrenchView CourseMaster of science in Physics with French With Professional StudiesView CourseBachelor of science in Physics with Medical ApplicationsView CourseBachelor of science in Physics with Medical Applications With Professional studiesView CourseMaster of science in Physics with Medical ApplicationsView CourseMaster of science in Physics with Medical Applications With Professional studiesView CourseBachelor of science in Physics with SpanishView CourseBachelor of science in Physics with Spanish With Professional StudiesView CourseMaster of science in Physics with SpanishView CourseMaster of science in Physics with Spanish With Professional studiesView CourseBachelor of science in Planning, Environment and DevelopmentView CourseBachelor of arts in PoliticsView CourseBachelor of arts in Politics and SpanishView CourseBachelor of arts in Politics, Philosophy and EconomicsView CourseBachelor of engineering in Product Design EngineeringView CourseMaster of engineering in Product Design EngineeringView CourseBachelor of engineering in Product Design Engineering-SandwichView CourseMaster of engineering in Product Design Engineering-SandwichView CourseBachelor of science in Professional Nursing (Adult)View CourseBachelor of science in Professional Nursing (Children and Young People)View CourseBachelor of science in Professional Nursing Learning Disabilities NursingView CourseBachelor of science in Professional Nursing (Mental Health)View CourseBachelor of science in PsychologyView CourseBachelor of arts in Social Policy and SociologyView CourseBachelor of Social workView CourseBachelor of Social work Relevant Degree EntryView CourseBachelor of arts in SociologyView CourseBachelor of engineering in Software and Electronic Systems EngineeringView CourseMaster of engineering in Software and Electronic Systems EngineeringView CourseBachelor of engineering in Software and Electronic Systems Engineering(with Year in Industry)View CourseMaster of engineering in Software and Electronic Systems Engineering(with Year in Industry)View CourseMaster of engineering in Software EngineeringView CourseBachelor of engineering in Software Engineering with Digital Technology PartnershipView CourseBachelor of engineering in Software Engineering with PlacementView CourseMaster of engineering in Software Engineering with placementView CourseBachelor of arts in SpanishView CourseBachelor of arts in Spanish and PortugueseView CourseMaster of engineering in Structural Engineering with ArchitectureView CourseBachelor of science in Theoretical PhysicsView CourseBachelor of science in Theoretical Physics With placementView CourseMaster of science in Theoretical PhysicsView CourseMaster of science in Theoretical Physics With PlacementView CourseBachelor of science in ZoologyView CourseMaster of science in ZoologyView CourseBachelor of science in Zoology With Priofessional StudiesView CourseMaster of science in Zoology with Professional studiesView CourseMaster of science in Accounting and FinanceView CourseMaster of science in Advanced Architectural DesignView CourseMaster of science in Advanced Food SafetyView CourseMaster of science in Advanced Professional and Clinical PracticeView CourseMaster of science in Advanced Professional PracticeView CourseMaster of Philosophy in Aerospace EngineeringView CourseMaster of science in Animal Behaviour and WelfareView CoursePost Graduate Diploma in AnthropologyView CourseMaster of arts in AnthropologyView CourseMaster of science in Applied Behaviour AnalysisView CourseMaster of science in Applied Cyber SecurityView CourseMaster of science in Applied Cyber Security with Professional InternshipView CourseMaster of science in Applied Developmental PsychologyView CourseMaster of Philosophy in Archaeology & PalaeoecologyView CourseMaster of Philosophy in ArchitectureView CourseMaster of ArchitectureView CourseMaster of research in Arts and HumanitiesView CourseMaster of arts in Arts ManagementView CourseMaster of science in Autism Spectrum DisordersView CourseMaster of science in Bioinformatics and Computational GenomicsView CourseMaster of Philosophy in Biological SciencesView CourseMaster of science in Building Information Modelling Project ManagementView CourseMaster of science in Business AnalyticsView CoursePost Graduate Certificate in Business for Agri-Food and Rural EnterpriseView CoursePost Graduate Diploma in Business for Agri-Food and Rural Enterprise- Business CommunicationView CourseMaster of science in Business for Agri-Food and Rural Enterprise - Business CommunicationView CoursePost Graduate Diploma in Business for Agri-Food and Rural Enterprise - Innovation ManagementView CourseMaster of science in Business for Agri-Food and Rural Enterprise - Innovation ManagementView CoursePost Graduate Diploma in Business for Agri-Food and Rural Enterprise - Rural Enterprise DevelopmentView CourseMaster of science in Business for Agri-Food and Rural Enterprise - Rural Enterprise DevelopmentView CourseMaster of science(Research) in Cancer MedicineView CourseMaster of science in Caring for Children and Young People with Complex NeedsView CourseMaster of Philosophy in Chemical EngineeringView CourseMaster of Philosophy in ChemistryView CourseMaster of science in Children's RightsView CourseMaster of science in City Planning and DesignView CoursePost Graduate Certificate in City Planning and DesignView CourseMaster of science in Clinical AnatomyView CourseMaster of science in Clinical Health PsychologyView CourseMaster of Philosophy in Computer ScienceView CourseMaster of arts in Conflict Transformation and Social JusticeView CourseMaster of science in Construction and Project ManagementView CourseMaster of science in Construction and Project Management With Industrial IntershipView CourseLLM in Criminology and Criminal JusticeView CourseMaster of science in Data AnalyticsView CourseMaster of science in Ecological Management and Conservation BiologyView CourseMaster of science in EconomicsView CoursePost Graduate Certificate in Education (English)View CoursePost Graduate Certificate in Education (Mathematics)View CoursePost Graduate Certificate in Education (Modern Languages)View CoursePost Graduate Certificate in Education (Religious Education)View CoursePost Graduate Certificate in Education (Science)View CoursePost Graduate Certificate in Education (Social Science)View CourseMaster of science in Educational LeadershipView CourseMaster of education in Educational StudiesView CourseMaster of Philosophy in Electronics, Electrical EngineeringView CourseMaster of science in ElectronicsView CourseMaster of science in Electronics with Professional InternshipView CourseMaster of arts in English - Creative WritingView CoursePost Graduate Diploma in English - Creative WritingView CoursePost Graduate Diploma in English - Literary StudiesView CourseMaster of arts in English - Literary StudiesView CoursePost Graduate Diploma in English - PoetryView CourseMaster of arts in English - PoetryView CoursePost Graduate Diploma in Environmental EngineeringView CourseMaster of science in Environmental EngineeringView CourseMaster of science in Environmental MedicineView CourseMaster of arts in FilmView CourseMaster of Philosophy in Food Safety and BiotechnologyView CoursePost Graduate Diploma in GeopoliticsView CourseMaster of arts in GeopoliticsView CourseMaster of arts in Global Security and BordersView CourseMaster of arts in HistoryView CourseMaster of science in Human Resource ManagementView CourseLLM in Human Rights LawView CourseMaster of education inInclusion and Special Educational NeedsView CourseMaster of science in Industrial PharmaceuticsView CoursePost Graduate Certificate in Information Technology and ComputingView CourseMaster of science in International BusinessView CourseLLM in International Business LawView CourseLLM in International Business Law Including PlacementView CourseInternational Postgraduate Certificate in EducationView CourseMaster of science in International Public PolicyView CoursePost Graduate Diploma in International Public PolicyView CoursePost Graduate Diploma in International RelationsView CourseMaster of arts in International RelationsView CourseMaster of arts in InterpretingView CourseMaster of arts in Irish StudiesView CourseLLM in LawView CourseLLM in Law and TechnologyView CourseMaster of science in Leadership for Sustainable DevelopmentView CourseMaster of science in Leadership for Sustainable Rural DevelopmentView CourseMaster of science in ManagementView CourseMaster of science in MarketingView CourseMaster of Business AdministrationView CourseMasters in LawView CourseMaster of science in Materials Science and EngineeringView CourseMaster of science in Materials Science and Engineering with Professional InternshipView CourseMaster of Philosophy in MathematicsView CourseMaster of Philosophy in Mechanical EngineeringView CoursePost Graduate Diploma in Mechanical Engineering with ManagementView CourseMaster of science in Mechanical Engineering with ManagementView CourseMaster of science in Mechanical Engineering with Management and Industrial InternshipView CoursePost Graduate Diploma in Media and Broadcast ProductionView CourseMaster of arts in Media and Broadcast ProductionView CourseMaster of Philosophy in MedicineView CourseMaster of science in Molecular Biology and BiotechnologyView CourseMaster of Public HealthView CourseMaster of Public Health in Global HealthView CourseMaster of science in FinanceView CourseMaster of science in Parasitology and Pathogen BiologyView CourseMaster of science in Pharmaceutical AnalysisView CourseMaster of science in Pharmaceutical Analysis with Industrial PlacementView CourseMaster of science in Pharmaceutical Analysis with International Industrial PlacementView CourseMaster of Philosophy in PharmacyView CourseMaster in PhilosophyView CourseMaster of Philosophy in PhysicsView CourseMaster of Philosophy in PlanningView CoursePost Graduate Certificate in Planning and DevelopmentView CourseMaster of science in Planning and DevelopmentView CoursePost Graduate Diploma in PoliticsView CourseMaster of arts in PoliticsView CourseMaster of science in Psychological ScienceView CourseMaster of Philosophy in PsychologyView CourseMaster of arts in Public HistoryView CourseMaster of science in Quantitative FinanceView CourseMaster of science in Risk and Investment ManagementView CoursePost Graduate Diploma in Social Science ResearchView CourseMaster of Research in Social Science ResearchView CourseMaster of science in Software DevelopmentView CourseMaster of science in Teaching English to Speakers of other LanguagesView CourseMaster of arts in TranslationView CoursePost Graduate diploma in Violence, Terrorism and SecurityView CourseMaster of arts in Violence, Terrorism and SecurityView CoursePost Graduate Diploma in Youth JusticeView CourseMaster of science in Youth JusticeView Course