COURSES Search Reset Honours Bachelor of Art in Forensic Biology (Combined)View CourseHonours Bachelor of Science in Forensic BiologyView CourseHonours Bachelor of Science in Forensic Biology (With Foundation Year)View CourseHonours Bachelor of Art in Forensic Biology And ArchaeologyView CourseHonours Bachelor of Science in Forensic Biology And BiologyView CourseHonours Bachelor of Science in Forensic Biology And PsychologyView CourseHonours Bachelor of Science in Forensic PsychologyView CourseHonours Bachelor of Science in Forensic Psychology (With Foundation Year)View CourseHonours Bachelor of Art in French (With Placement Year)View CourseHonours Bachelor of Art in French (Combined)View CourseHonours Bachelor of Art in French And GermanView CourseHonours Bachelor of Art in French And SpanishView CourseHonours Bachelor of Science in Games DevelopmentView CourseHonours Bachelor of Science in Games Development (With Foundation Year)View CourseHonours Bachelor of Science in Genetics And Evolution (Shrewsbury)View CourseHonours Bachelor of Science in Genetics And Evolution (Shrewsbury) (With Foundation Year)View CourseHonours Bachelor of Science in GeographyView CourseHonours Bachelor of Science in Geography (With Foundation Year)View CourseHonours Bachelor of Art in Geography (With Foundation Year)View CourseHonours Bachelor of Science in Geography (Combined)View CourseHonours Bachelor of Art in Geography (Combined)View CourseHonours Bachelor of Art in GeographyView CourseHonours Bachelor of Science in Geography With Year AbroadView CourseHonours Bachelor of Art in German (Combined)View CourseHonours Bachelor of Art in German And SpanishView CourseHonours Bachelor of Art in Graphic DesignView CourseHonours Bachelor of Science in Accounting And FinanceView CourseHonours Bachelor of Science in Accounting And Finance (With Foundation Year)View CourseHonours Bachelor of Science in Accounting And Finance (With Placement Year)View CourseHonours Bachelor of Art in ActingView CourseHonours Bachelor of Science in Nursing in Adult NursingView CourseHonours Bachelor of Art in Graphic Design (With Foundation Year)View CourseHonours Bachelor of Art in Graphic Design (Combined)View CourseHonours Bachelor of Art in Graphic Design (Combined).View CourseHonours Bachelor of Science in Health And Exercise Science (Shrewsbury)View CourseHonours Bachelor of Science in Health And Exercise Science (Shrewsbury) (With Foundation Year)View CourseHonours Bachelor of Science in Nursing in Adult Nursing (With Foundation Year)View CourseHonours Bachelor of Science in Nursing in Adult Nursing (With Foundation Year).View CourseHonours Bachelor of Science in Nursing in Adult Nursing.View CourseHonours Bachelor of Science in Animal BehaviourView CourseHonours Bachelor of Science in Animal Behaviour (With Foundation Year)View CourseHonours Bachelor of Science in Animal Behaviour (Combined)View CourseHonours Bachelor of Science in Animal Behaviour And BiologyView CourseHonours Bachelor of Science in Animal Behaviour And PsychologyView CourseHonours Bachelor of Science in Animal Behaviour And Welfare in Animal Behaviour And WelfareView CourseHonours Bachelor of Science in Animal Behaviour And Welfare (With Foundation Year)View CourseHonours Bachelor of Art in History (Combined)View CourseHonours Bachelor of Art in History (Chester)View CourseHonours Bachelor of Art in History (Chester) (With Foundation Year)View CourseHonours Bachelor of Science in Human NutritionView CourseHonours Bachelor of Science in Human Nutrition (With Foundation Year)View CourseHonours Bachelor of Science in Applied PsychologyView CourseBachelor of Science in Applied Sports PerformanceView CourseHonours Bachelor of Art in Archaeology (Combined)View CourseHonours Bachelor of Art in ArchaeologyView CourseHonours Bachelor of Art in Archaeology And HistoryView Courseintegrated Master'S in NursingView Courseintegrated Master'S in Nursing (Adult Pathway)View Courseintegrated Master'S in Nursing (Child Pathway)View Courseintegrated Master'S in Nursing (Learning Disability Pathway)View Courseintegrated Master'S in Nursing (Mental Health Pathway)View CourseFoundation of Science in Assistant Practitioner Higher Apprenticeship: Health And Social CareView CourseHonours Bachelor of Science in BiochemistryView CourseHonours Bachelor of Science in Biochemistry (Chester) (With Foundation Year)View CourseHonours Bachelor of Science in Biochemistry.View CourseHonours Bachelor of Science in Biochemistry (Shrewsbury) (With Foundation Year)View Courseintegrated Master'S in Nursing (Child And Mental Health Pathway)View CourseHonours Bachelor of Art in interior DesignView CourseHonours Bachelor of Art in interior Design (With Foundation Year)View CourseHonours Bachelor of Art in international Business ManagementView CourseHonours Bachelor of Art in international Business Management (With Foundation Year)View CourseHonours Bachelor of Science in BiologyView CourseHonours Bachelor of Science in Biology (With Foundation Year)View CourseHonours Bachelor of Science in Biology (Combined)View CourseHonours Bachelor of Science in Biology And PsychologyView CourseHonours Bachelor of Science in Biology And Sport And Exercise SciencesView CourseHonours Bachelor of Art in international Business Management (With Placement Year)View CourseHonours Bachelor of Art in international Business Management With A Language (French Or Spanish)View CourseHonours Bachelor of Art in international Business Management With A Language (French Or Spanish) (With Placement Year)View CourseHonours Bachelor of Art in international RelationsView CourseHonours Bachelor of Art in international Relations (With Foundation Year)View CourseHonours Bachelor of Art in international Relations (Combined)View CourseHonours Bachelor of Art in international Relations And ChineseView CourseHonours Bachelor of Art in international Relations And GeographyView CourseHonours Bachelor of Art in international Relations And LawView CourseHonours Bachelor of Art in international Relations And PoliticsView CourseHonours Bachelor of Art in international Relations And SpanishView CourseHonours Bachelor of Art in international Tourism ManagementView CourseHonours Bachelor of Art in international Tourism Management (Combined)View CourseHonours Bachelor of Art in international Tourism Management (Combined).View CourseHonours Bachelor of Art in international Tourism Management And Business ManagementView CourseHonours Bachelor of Science in Biomedical ScienceView CourseHonours Bachelor of Science in Biomedical Science (With Foundation Year)View CourseHonours Bachelor of Science in Bioscience (Shrewsbury)View CourseHonours Bachelor of Science in Biotechnology (Shrewsbury)View CourseHonours Bachelor of Science in Biotechnology (Shrewsbury) (With Foundation Year)View CourseHonours Bachelor of Science in Bioveterinary ScienceView CourseHonours Bachelor of Science in Bioveterinary Science (With Foundation Year)View CourseHonours Bachelor of Art in Business FinanceView CourseHonours Bachelor of Art in Business Finance (With Foundation Year)View CourseHonours Bachelor of Art in Business Finance (With Placement Year)View CourseHonours Bachelor of Art in Business Management (Combined)View CourseHonours Bachelor of Art in Business Management (Combined).View CourseHonours Bachelor of Art in Business Management (Combined)..View CourseHonours Bachelor of Art in Business ManagementView CourseHonours Bachelor of Art in Business Management (With Foundation Year)View CourseHonours Bachelor of Art in international Tourism Management And Marketing ManagementView CourseHonours Bachelor of Art in international Tourism Management With A Language (French Or Spanish)View CourseHonours Bachelor of Art in international Tourism Management With A Language (French Or Spanish) (With Placement Year)View CourseHonours Bachelor of Art in JournalismView CourseHonours Bachelor of Art in Journalism (With Foundation Year)View CourseHonours Bachelor of Art in Business Management (With Placement Year)View CourseHonours Bachelor of Art in Business Management (Shrewsbury)View CourseHonours Bachelor of Art in Business Management (Shrewsbury) (With Foundation Year)View CourseHonours Bachelor of Art in Business Management (Shrewsbury) (With Placement Year)View CourseBachelor of Art in Business Management And Administration (Top-Up)View CourseHonours Bachelor of Art in Journalism And English LiteratureView CourseHonours Bachelor of Art in Law (Combined)View CourseHonours Llb in LawView CourseHonours Llb in Law (With Foundation Year)View CourseHonours Bachelor of Art in Law And CriminologyView CourseHonours Bachelor of Art in Law And HistoryView CourseHonours Bachelor of Art in Business Management And Marketing ManagementView CourseHonours Bachelor of Science in Business With Psychology (Shrewsbury)View CourseBachelor of Engineering in Chemical EngineeringView CourseMaster of Engineering in Chemical EngineeringView CourseBachelor of Engineering in Chemical Engineering (With Foundation Year)View CourseHonours Bachelor of Science in ChemistryView CourseHonours Bachelor of Science in Chemistry (With Foundation Year)View CourseHonours Bachelor of Art in Childhood And Youth Professional StudiesView CourseHonours Bachelor of Art in Childhood And Youth Professional Studies (With Foundation Year)View CourseHonours Bachelor of Art in Childhood Studies With Applied PsychologyView CourseBachelor of Nursing in Children'S NursingView CourseBachelor of Nursing in Children'S Nursing (With Foundation Year)View CourseHonours Bachelor of Art in Chinese (Combined)View CourseHonours Bachelor of Art in Chinese And English LanguageView CourseHonours Bachelor of Art in Chinese And SpanishView CourseHonours Bachelor of Art in Law And PsychologyView CourseHonours Llb in Law With BusinessView CourseHonours Llb in Law With Business(With Foundation Year)View CourseHonours Llb in Law With CriminologyView CourseHonours Llb in Law With Criminology(With Foundation Year)View CourseHonours Bachelor of Science in Community Policing And Criminal investigationView CourseHonours Bachelor of Science in Computer ScienceView CourseHonours Bachelor of Science in Computer Science (With Foundation Year)View CourseHonours Bachelor of Art in Counselling Skills (Combined)View CourseHonours Bachelor of Art in Counselling Skills And PsychologyView CourseHonours Bachelor of Art in Counselling Skills And SociologyView CourseHonours Bachelor of Art in Creative Writing (Combined)View CourseHonours Bachelor of Art in Creative Writing And DramaView CourseHonours Bachelor of Art in Creative Writing And Drama And Theatre StudiesView CourseHonours Bachelor of Art in Creative Writing And English LiteratureView CourseBachelor of Nursing in Learning Disability NursingView CourseBachelor of Nursing in Learning Disability Nursing (With Foundation Year)View CourseHonours Bachelor of Science in Marine BiologyView CourseHonours Bachelor of Science in Marine Biology (With Foundation Year)View CourseHonours Bachelor of Art in Marketing ManagementView CourseHonours Bachelor of Art in Creative Writing And HistoryView CourseHonours Bachelor of Art in Creative Writing And JournalismView CourseHonours Bachelor of Science in CriminologyView CourseHonours Bachelor of Science in Criminology (With Foundation Year)View CourseHonours Bachelor of Art in Criminology And Counselling SkillsView CourseHonours Bachelor of Science in Criminology And Forensic BiologyView CourseHonours Bachelor of Science in Criminology And PsychologyView CourseHonours Bachelor of Science in Criminology And SociologyView CourseHonours Bachelor of Science in CybersecurityView CourseHonours Bachelor of Science in Cybersecurity (With Foundation Year)View CourseHonours Bachelor of Art in Fashion DesignView CourseHonours Bachelor of Art in Fashion Marketing, And CommunicationView CourseHonours Bachelor of Art in Film And Media StudiesView CourseHonours Bachelor of Art in Fine ArtView CourseHonours Bachelor of Art in Fine Art (With Foundation Year)View CourseHonours Bachelor of Art in Marketing Management (With Foundation Year)View CourseHonours Bachelor of Art in Marketing Management (With Placement Year)View CourseHonours Bachelor of Art in Marketing Management (Combined)View CourseHonours Bachelor of Art in Marketing Management (Combined).View CourseHonours Bachelor of Art in Marketing Management (Combined),View CourseHonours Bachelor of Science in MathematicsView CourseHonours Bachelor of Science in Mathematics (With Foundation Year)View CourseHonours Bachelor of Science in Mathematics And Computer ScienceView CourseHonours Bachelor of Art in Media And Television ProductionView CourseHonours Bachelor of Medical Science (Bmedsci)View CourseHonours Bachelor of Science in Medical Science (Bsc) (Shrewsbury)View CourseHonours Bachelor of Science in Medical Science (Bsc) (Shrewsbury) (With Foundation Year)View CourseBachelor of Nursing in Mental Health NursingView CourseHonours Bachelor of Science in MicrobiologyView CourseHonours Bachelor of Science in Microbiology (With Foundation Year)View CourseHonours Bachelor of Science in MidwiferyView CourseHonours Bachelor of Art in Modern LanguagesView CourseHonours Bachelor of Art in Music JournalismView CourseHonours Bachelor of Art in Music Journalism (With Foundation Year)View CourseHonours Bachelor of Art in Music ProductionView CourseHonours Bachelor of Art in Music Production And PerformanceView CourseHonours Bachelor of Art in Fine Art (Combined)View CourseHonours Bachelor of Art in Fine Art And Graphic DesignView CourseHonours Bachelor of Art in Musical Theatre (Shrewsbury)View CourseHonours Bachelor of Art in Musical Theatre Performance (The Hammond)View CourseHonours Bachelor of Science in Natural Hazard Management (Combined)View CourseHonours Bachelor of Art in Natural Hazard Management (Combined)View CourseHonours Bachelor of Science in Natural Hazard Management And GeographyView CourseFoundation of Science in Nursing Associate Higher ApprenticeshipView CourseHonours Bachelor of Science in Nutrition And DieteticsView CourseHonours Bachelor of Science in Nutrition And Exercise ScienceView CourseHonours Bachelor of Art in Performing ArtsView CourseHonours Bachelor of Science in PharmacologyView CourseHonours Bachelor of Science in Pharmacology (With Foundation Year)View CourseHonours Bachelor of Art in Philosophy, Ethics And ReligionView CourseHonours Bachelor of Art in Philosophy, Ethics And Religion (With Foundation Year)View CourseHonours Bachelor of Art in Photography (Combined)View CourseHonours Bachelor of Art in Photography (Combined).View CourseHonours Bachelor of Art in PhotographyView CourseHonours Bachelor of Art in Photography (With Foundation Year)View CourseHonours Bachelor of Art in Photography And Fine ArtView CourseHonours Bachelor of Art in Photography And Graphic DesignView CourseHonours Bachelor of Science in Physical EducationView CourseHonours Bachelor of Science in Physical Education (With Foundation Year)View CourseHonours Bachelor of Science in PhysicsView CourseHonours Bachelor of Science in Physics (With Foundation Year)View CourseHonours Bachelor of Art in PoliticsView CourseHonours Bachelor of Art in Politics (With Foundation Year)View CourseHonours Bachelor of Art in Politics (Combined)View CourseBachelor of Politics And HistoryView CourseBachelor of Politics And SociologyView CourseHonours Bachelor of Art in Popular Music PerformanceView CourseHonours Bachelor of Art in Primary EducationView CourseHonours Bachelor of Art in Primary Education StudiesView CourseHonours Bachelor of Art in Primary Education Studies (With Foundation Year)View CourseHonours Bachelor of Art in Product DesignView CourseHonours Bachelor of Art in Product Design (With Foundation Year)View CourseHonours Bachelor of Art in Psychology And SpanishView CourseHonours Bachelor of Science in Psychology (Combined)View CourseHonours Bachelor of Science in PsychologyView CourseHonours Bachelor of Science in Psychology (With Foundation Year)View CourseBachelor of Psychology And SociologyView CourseHonours Bachelor of Art in Religious StudiesView CourseHonours Bachelor of Art in Religious Studies (With Foundation Year)View CourseHonours Bachelor of Art in Social WorkView CourseHonours Bachelor of Science in SociologyView CourseHonours Bachelor of Science in Sociology (With Foundation Year)View CourseHonours Bachelor of Science in Sociology (Combined)View CourseHonours Bachelor of Science in Software EngineeringView CourseHonours Bachelor of Science in Software Engineering (With Placement Year)View CourseHonours Bachelor of Art in SpanishView CourseHonours Bachelor of Art in Spanish (Combined)View CourseHonours Bachelor of Art in Spanish, Portuguese And Latin American StudiesView CourseHonours Bachelor of Art in Special Educational Needs And DisabilitiesView CourseHonours Bachelor of Science in Sport And Exercise Sciences (Combined)View CourseHonours Bachelor of Science in Sport And Exercise SciencesView CourseHonours Bachelor of Science in Sport And Exercise Sciences (With Foundation Year)View CourseBachelor of Sport And Exercise Sciences And PsychologyView CourseHonours Bachelor of Art in Sport And Exercise Sciences And SpanishView CourseHonours Bachelor of Art in Sport Development And CoachingView CourseHonours Bachelor of Science in Sport ManagementView CourseHonours Bachelor of Science in Sport Management (Shrewsbury) (With Foundation Year)View CourseHonours Bachelor of Science in Sports CoachingView CourseHonours Bachelor of Art in Sports JournalismView CourseHonours Bachelor of Art in Sports Journalism (With Foundation Year)View CourseHonours Bachelor of Art in TheologyView CourseHonours Bachelor of Art in Theology (With Foundation Year)View CourseHonours Bachelor of Art in Theology And Religious StudiesView CourseHonours Bachelor of Art in Theology And Religious Studies (With Foundation Year)View CourseHonours Bachelor of Art in Working With Children, Young People & Families (Wbis)View CourseHonours Bachelor of Science in ZoologyView CourseHonours Bachelor of Science in Zoology (With Foundation Year)View CourseHonours Bachelor of Arts in DanceView CourseHonours Bachelor of Science in Professional PolicingView CourseHonours Bachelor of Arts in Digital MarketingView CourseHonours Bachelor of Arts in Digital Marketing With FoundationView CourseHonours Bachelor of Arts in Digital Marketing With PlacementView CourseHonours Bachelor of Arts in DramaView CourseHonours Bachelor of Arts in Drama (Combined)View CourseHonours Bachelor of Arts in Drama And English LiteratureView CourseHonours Bachelor of Arts in Drama And PsychologyView CourseHonours Bachelor of Arts in Drama And Theatre Studies And PsychologyView CourseHonours Bachelor of Arts in Early Childhood StudiesView CourseHonours Bachelor of Arts in Early Years - Primary Education (3-7) With Qts - Teacher EducationView CourseHonours Bachelor of Science in EconomicsView CourseHonours Bachelor of Science in Economics (Combined)View CourseHonours Bachelor of Arts in Economics And GeographyView CourseHonours Bachelor of Arts in Economics And international RelationsView CourseHonours Bachelor of Arts in Economics And PoliticsView CourseHonours Bachelor of Arts in Economics And SociologyView CourseHonours Bachelor of Arts in Education Studies And SociologyView CourseHonours Bachelor of Arts in Economics And SpanishView CourseHonours Bachelor of Arts in Education Studies (Combined)View CourseHonours Bachelor of Arts in Education Studies And English LiteratureView CourseHonours Bachelor of Arts in Education Studies And SpanishView CourseHonours Bachelor of Arts in Education Studies And Sport And Exercise SciencesView CourseBachelor of Engineering in Electronic And Electrical EngineeringView CourseMaster of Engineering in Electronic And Electrical EngineeringView CourseHonours Bachelor of Arts in English LanguageView CourseHonours Bachelor of Arts in English Language With FoundationView CourseHonours Bachelor of Arts in English Language (Combined)View CourseHonours Bachelor of Arts in English Language And Creative WritingView CourseHonours Bachelor of Arts in English Language And Education StudiesView CourseHonours Bachelor of Arts in English Language And HistoryView CourseHonours Bachelor of Arts in English Language And JournalismView CourseHonours Bachelor of Arts in English Language And LiteratureView CourseHonours Bachelor of Arts in English Language And SociologyView CourseHonours Bachelor of Arts in English Literature (Combined)View CourseHonours Bachelor of Arts in English LiteratureView CourseHonours Bachelor of Arts in English Literature And FrenchView CourseHonours Bachelor of Arts in English Literature And HistoryView CourseHonours Bachelor of Arts in English Literature And PsychologyView CourseHonours Bachelor of Arts in English Literature And SociologyView CourseHonours Bachelor of Arts in Events And Festivals Management (Shrewsbury)View CourseHonours Bachelor of Arts in Events And Festivals Management (Shrewsbury) With PlacementView CourseHonours Bachelor of Arts in Events And Festivals Management (Shrewsbury) With FoundationView CourseHonours Bachelor of Arts in Events Management (Combined)View CourseHonours Bachelor of Arts in Events Management (Combined).View CourseHonours Bachelor of Arts in Events ManagementView CourseHonours Bachelor of Arts in Events Management With FoundationView CourseHonours Bachelor of Arts in Events Management With PlacementView CourseHonours Bachelor of Arts in Events Management And international Tourism ManagementView CourseHonours Bachelor of Arts in Events Management And Marketing ManagementView CourseMaster of Science in Advanced Computer ScienceView CourseMaster of Science in Advanced Computer Science.View CourseMaster of Science in Animal BehaviourView CourseMaster of Science in Animal WelfareView CourseMaster of Science in Applied PsychologyView CourseMaster of Research in Applied ScienceView CourseMaster of Research in Archaeology (Mres)View CourseMaster of Art in Archaeology And Heritage PracticeView CourseMaster of Art in Archaeology of Death And MemoryView CourseMaster of Art in Art TherapyView CourseMaster of Research in Arts And MediaView CourseMaster of Research in Biological SciencesView CourseMaster of Science in Biomedical ScienceView CourseMaster of Science in Biomedical Science.View CourseMaster of Science in BiotechnologyView CourseMaster of Science in Cardiovascular DiseaseView CourseMaster of Science in Cardiovascular Disease.View CourseMaster of Science in Cardiovascular Health And RehabilitationView CourseMaster of Research in Clinical Sciences And NutritionView CourseMaster of Science in Computer Science (Conversion)View CourseMaster of Science in Creative industries ManagementView CourseMaster of Art in Creative Practices in EducationView CourseMaster of Art in Creative Writing: Writing And Publishing FictionView CourseMaster of Science in CybersecurityView CourseMaster of Science in Cybersecurity .View CourseMaster of Art in DanceView CoursePostgraduate of Diploma in DanceView CourseMaster of Art in DesignView CourseMaster of Science in DiabetesView CourseMaster of Science in Diabetes.View CourseMaster of Science in Digital MarketingView CourseMaster of Science in Digital Marketing.View CoursePostgraduate of Diploma in Digital MarketingView CoursePostgraduate of Diploma in Digital Marketing.View CourseMaster of Art in DramaView CoursePostgraduate of Diploma in DramaView CourseMaster of Art Education in SocietyView CoursePostgraduate of Diploma in Education in SocietyView CourseMaster of Art Education in Society.View CoursePostgraduate of Diploma in Education in Society.View CourseMaster of Science in Engineering ManagementView CourseMaster of Science in Engineering Management.View CourseMaster of Science in Engineering Management..View CourseMaster of Research in EnglishView CourseMaster of Art in English Language And LinguisticsView CourseMaster of Science in Exercise And Nutrition ScienceView CoursePostgraduate of Diploma in Exercise And Nutrition ScienceView CourseMaster of Science in Exercise MedicineView CoursePostgraduate of Diploma in Exercise MedicineView CourseMaster of Science in Family And Child PsychologyView CoursePostgraduate of Diploma in Family And Child PsychologyView CourseMaster of Science in Flood Risk Assessment, Modelling And EngineeringView CourseMaster of Science in Food Science And innovationView CourseMaster of Science in GastroenterologyView CourseMaster of Science in Gastroenterology.View CourseMaster of Research in Gender StudiesView CourseMaster of Science in HaematologyView CourseMaster of Science in Haematology.View CourseMaster of Science in Health Services ManagementView CourseMaster of Science in Health Services Management.View CourseMaster of Science in Health Services Management..View CourseMaster of Art in HistoryView CourseMaster of Research in HistoryView CourseMaster of Research in Human NutritionView CourseMaster of Research in Human Nutrition.View CoursePostgraduate of Diploma in Human NutritionView CoursePostgraduate of Diploma in Human Nutrition.View CourseMaster of Science in infection And ImmunityView CourseMaster of Science in infection And Immunity.View CourseMaster of Science in international BusinessView CourseMaster of Science in international Business.View CourseMaster of Science in international Business..View CourseMaster of Science in international FinanceView CourseMaster of Science in international Finance.View CourseMaster of Science in international Finance..View CourseMaster of Art in JournalismView CourseMaster of Llm in Contemporary Legal StudiesView CourseMaster of Science in ManagementView CourseMaster of Science in Management.View CourseMaster of Science in Management..View CourseMaster of Science in Management (Shrewsbury)View CourseMaster of Science in Management (Shrewsbury).View CoursePostgraduate of Diploma in Management (Shrewsbury)View CoursePostgraduate of Diploma in Management (Shrewsbury).View CourseMaster of Science in Marine And Coastal Resource ManagementView CourseMaster of Science in Marketing ManagementView CourseMaster of Science in Marketing Management.View CourseMaster of Science in Marketing Management..View CourseMaster of Public HealthView CourseMaster of Public Health.View CourseMaster of Science in MathematicsView CourseMaster of Business AdministrationView CourseMaster of Business Administration.View CourseMaster of Business Administration..View CourseMaster of Science in Medical GeneticsView CourseMaster of Science in Medical Genetics.View CourseMaster of Research in Medical ScienceView CourseMaster of Research in Medical Science - Stem Cells And Regenerative Medicine PathwayView CourseMaster of Art in Military HistoryView CoursePostgraduate of Diploma in Military HistoryView CourseMaster of Science in Museums PracticeView CourseMaster of Art in Nineteenth-Century Literature And CultureView CourseMaster of Science in Obesity And Weight ManagementView CoursePostgraduate of Diploma in Obesity And Weight ManagementView CourseMaster of Science in OncologyView CourseMaster of Science in Oncology.View CourseMaster of Science in OrthopaedicsView CourseMaster of Science in Orthopaedics.View CourseMaster of Science in Policing, Law Enforcement And SecurityView CourseMaster of Art in Popular MusicView CoursePostgraduate Certificate in Education (Pgce) - Pgce Primary (including School Direct) With QtsView CoursePostgraduate Certificate in Education (Pgce) - Pgce Primary/Early Years (including School Direct)View CoursePostgraduate Certificate in Education (Pgce) - Pgce Primary/Early Years (including School Direct) Pgce (Core)View CoursePostgraduate Certificate in Education (Pgce) - Pgce Secondary (including School Direct) With Qts PgceView CourseMaster of Science in Pre-Registration Adult NursingView CourseMaster of Science in Pre-Registration Mental Health NursingView CoursePostgraduate Certificate in Education in Primary/Early Years (3-7) (including School Direct) With QtsView CoursePostgraduate Certificate in Education in Primary/Early Years (3-7) (including School Direct) With Qts Pgce (Core)View CourseMaster of Science in Programme And Project ManagementView CourseMaster of Science in Psychology (Conversion)View CourseMaster of Science in Psychology in SocietyView CourseMaster of Science in Public Health NutritionView CoursePostgraduate of Diploma in Public Health NutritionView CourseMaster of Art in Religious StudiesView CourseMaster of Science in Respiratory MedicineView CourseMaster of Science in Respiratory Medicine.View CoursePostgraduate Certificate in Education in Secondary (including School Direct) With QtsView CoursePostgraduate Certificate in Education in Secondary Art And Design (including School Direct) With QtsView CoursePostgraduate Certificate in Education in Secondary Art And Design (including School Direct) With Qts.View CoursePostgraduate Certificate in Education in Secondary Biology (including School Direct) With Qts Pgce (Core)View CoursePostgraduate Certificate in Education in Secondary Biology (including School Direct) With Qts Pgce (School Direct)View CoursePostgraduate Certificate in Education in Secondary Chemistry (including School Direct) With Qts Pgce (Core)View CoursePostgraduate Certificate in Education in Secondary Chemistry (including School Direct) With Qts Pgce (School Direct)View CoursePostgraduate Certificate in Education in Secondary Computer Science (including School Direct) With Qts Pgce (Core)View CoursePostgraduate Certificate in Education in Secondary Computer Science (including School Direct) With Qts Pgce (School Direct)View CoursePostgraduate Certificate in Education in Secondary Design And Technology (including School Direct) With Qts Pgce (Core)View CoursePostgraduate Certificate in Education in Secondary Design And Technology (including School Direct) With Qts Pgce (SchoolView CoursePostgraduate Certificate in Education in Secondary Drama (including School Direct) With Qts Pgce (Core)View CoursePostgraduate Certificate in Education in Secondary Drama (including School Direct) With Qts Pgce (School Direct)View CoursePostgraduate Certificate in Education in Secondary English (including School Direct) With Qts Pgce (Core)View CoursePostgraduate Certificate in Education in Secondary English (including School Direct) With Qts Pgce (School Direct)View CoursePostgraduate Certificate in Education in Secondary Geography (including School Direct) With Qts Pgce (Core)View CoursePostgraduate Certificate in Education in Secondary Geography (including School Direct) With Qts Pgce (School Direct)View CoursePostgraduate Certificate in Education in Secondary History (including School Direct) With Qts Pgce (Core)View CoursePostgraduate Certificate in Education in Secondary History (including School Direct) With Qts Pgce (School Direct)View CoursePostgraduate Certificate in Education in Secondary Mathematics (including School Direct) With Qts Pgce (Core)View CoursePostgraduate Certificate in Education in Secondary Mathematics (including School Direct) With Qts Pgce (School Direct)View CoursePostgraduate Certificate in Education in Secondary Modern Languages (including School Direct) With Qts Pgce (Core)View CoursePostgraduate Certificate in Education in Secondary Modern Languages (including School Direct) With Qts Pgce (School Direct)View CoursePostgraduate Certificate in Education in Secondary Music With Qts (11-16) Pgce (School Direct)View CoursePostgraduate Certificate in Education in Secondary Physical Education (including School Direct) With QtsView CoursePostgraduate Certificate in Education in Secondary Physical Education (including School Direct) With Qts Pgce (School Direct)View CoursePostgraduate Certificate in Education in Secondary Physics (including School Direct) With Qts Pgce (Core)View CoursePostgraduate Certificate in Education in Secondary Physics (including School Direct) With Qts Pgce (School Direct)View CoursePostgraduate Certificate in Education in Secondary Religious Education (including School Direct) With Qts Pgce (Core)View CoursePostgraduate Certificate in Education in Secondary Religious Education (including School Direct) With Qts Pgce (School Direct)View CourseMaster of Art in Social WorkView CoursePostgraduate of Diploma in Social WorkView CourseMaster of Science in Sociology of Sport And ExerciseView CourseMaster of Research in Sport And Exercise SciencesView CourseMaster of Research in Sport And Exercise Sciences.View CourseMaster of Art in Sport Coaching And DevelopmentView CourseMaster of Science in Sport ManagementView CourseMaster of Science in Sports BiomechanicsView CourseMaster of Science in Sports MedicineView CourseMaster of Science in Sports Performance AnalysisView CourseMaster of Science in Sports Performance ScienceView CourseMaster of Science in Stem Cells And Regenerative MedicineView CourseMaster of Science in Stem Cells And Regenerative Medicine.View CourseMaster of Research in StorytellingView CourseMaster of Research in Sustainable Heritage PracticeView CourseMaster of Art in TheologyView CourseMaster of Art in War, Conflict And SocietyView CourseMaster of Science in Wildlife ConservationView Course